Thursday, December 27, 2007

Technion Lecturers are bored

Technion Lecturers are really bored. They have so much time doing nothing they begin to do astonishing usless things.
According to THIS news site "Technion Israel Institute of Technology researchers announced they have successfully put the full version of the Hebrew Bible, with vowel points, on a region measuring 0.5mm², an area smaller than the size of a pinhead."
Dudes our studying program goes to toilet and you do this.. duh..

Friday, December 14, 2007

Warm picture at cold winter

It is cold and rainy outside. Pictures like these are warming the heart and makes you smile..

ripped of
upd: Second photo found its author. And the credit goes to Alex Jilitsky.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Great Technion Security

Technion installed security gates.In which they invested a lot of money and our time (gate was closed for half a year). Just watch how easily it was breached. All you need is finger.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Evil vending machine

Photos were taken in Mechanical Engeneering faculty. Where no food sources are left except for one in the pictures. The only pity snackbar that existed between Lady Davis and Blumfield was completly destroyed. So this is all that starving students can swallow... sure if they can get it. An Evil Fucking Vending Machine doesnt want to separate from its preciouse chips.

and I almost forgot - See that waffles near the stuck chips on top photos, BEWARE - they tastes like shit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Something cool you didnt know

According to CNET
"The architect of the Technion's Yitzhak Rabin Environmental Science building chose to emphasize natural contours for the design. To help air condition the building, a large block of ice is made each night--when electricity is cheaper--in an underground chamber. The melting ice then cools the building."

Sounds SciFi. I cant believe it is true

Sunday, November 4, 2007

TCC fucked up again

So, I guess pretty much everyone on campus has reached the annoying screen telling you that in order to surf the net you must install this program. Many might have thought that it's some kind of virus but apparently it's for real. TCC is trying to tag us and bag us.

I believe that forcing us to install a piece of software that we know nothing about in our computers in order to use the Technion's internet is outrageous. Have any of you talked to someone in TCC? I tried but as usual, nobody picks up the phone there.

Leave your comments!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Old News

Hello pipl, I manage to survive through all the exams and so is Blog !
Thanks to all the pipl who commented on my blog - it is really inspires keep posting.
I would be more than glad if you start send me interesting stuff you encounter in Technion. That way blog can be more interesting and grow.
I didnt go out much of my small room during torture (exams)time so I dont have any real new news.. Only Old Ones ))

There is little library opened up about a month ago in Mizrah Hadash.
There isnt much books... But I was told pipl can donate to it. Also it has really nice and big Tv and some table games. Everyone is welcome

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hidden Beauty of Technion

(click to enlarge)

This wasp hive was found by tenshi near the Canada dorms grocery.
Wild and dangerous beauty.

Via tenshi13

Monday, September 10, 2007

Moshe Barak - Emperor of Virtualia

(click to enlarge)

P.s Send funny stuff about Moshe to my mail and I ll publish it here.
You can find foto of Moshe Here.

Random DC pic 1.

(click yo enlarge)

Found this picture through mindless downloading of pipl shares.
Funny :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Technion Security - an answer

I decided not to post picture with all the entrances, But I'll post name of the places instead.

Well to my count there are 6 entrances to Technion !
2 - Main gates, 1 - at Mizrah Hadash, 1 - Canada Gate, 1 - hole in the fence in Canada dorms, 1 - entrance through the forest above Avironautics : 6 entrances

Well to be honest.. there another possible entrance for those who in fond of rock climbing. Somewhere between Science Park and Canada Dorms.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Technion Security

All we know that there are 2 main guarded entrances into the Technion. And in Mizrah Hadash turnstile was installed, so that everyone who posses Student card could enter.
But do you know any other entrances , those that anyone anytime can enter ? I bet you dont.
So I made up a little poll to test you knowledge. I will post the right answer with an edited picture on Asat forum in Technoblog in about one week. And of course feel free to wright in comments.

Oh and one more thing. Whole Mizrah Hadash lousy, easy to climb up fence counts as 1.

For your help I uploaded a photo of the Technion. Though it is little bit outdated...

(click to enlarge) (picture is about 1.5 Mb)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scorpion Invasion

This scary thing was found near the tennis court. Be careful....

(Click to enlarge)

By GreenCat

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Big Statue

Technion will never stop wasting money on dumb statues instead of investing in our studies.
This one is existing for a month at least, but I doubt many of you saw it.

(click to enlarge)
oh... Every photo is about 400k. Since Technion new policy to internet is 6 Gb per month, I think you might need to know it before watching such a big pictures.
(Are they really too big ?)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at

If I got it right this piece of art should symbolise the brain of average EE student. Two things confused me though. Why some of the symbols are flipped like mirror reflected. And on the last 2 pictures - what is that broken cross is doing there ?

P.s On my way back I stepped on some goddamned mushroom that exploded and sprinkled on my leg its disgusting spores. It looked like brown sugar powder and it covered my whole left foot. The destroyed mushroom was like half meter height. I hope it wasnt some human parasite mushroom that will it me alive.... oooohh...god help me ! :(

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Big Scary Snake

Remember hero-cat with tiny little snake. Forget it.
This one is really big ans scary. It was found between New Mizrach and Denzinger Lab. Watch out where you step.

P.s Snake Identity is in the comments Larger and clearer version in my Blog directory of DC

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Battle Cat !

It is now proved that cats in Technion are very useful !

Friday, July 20, 2007

Some update on the blog

I know I was a lame ass missing for a month. Yeah.. I am lazy...
Well.. getting back to buisness

Here you will find nice konnection to DC kit.
Mirc tunneling
Registry key
and... A Video explanation of how everything work !


Saturday, June 23, 2007

Dc lives forever

Most of you already know the new undefeated way of connecting to DC.
And those who doesn't finally will find out the way to do it.

Step 1. Download and install this tiny program
(in order for DC to work it should be running)
Step 2. Run DC and create conection to
(your IP address):100
To find out your IP you may visit
Thats basically it.
For more information visit forum at adress
(you need to be registered)

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Erotic Science

Image Hosted by
This nice lady was discovered on Image Processing and Analysis Course.
According to Wiki her image was repeatedly used in image proccessing researches.
But I think course could be twice as popular should they used uncensored picture.

Science and Playboy gal. What a mix...

If someone asks why you staring on her naked picture you can always say- "I am doing science, I am in the middle of processing image, he-he"

I am adding a little nice addon. link to pictures of all Playboy girls of the month ever.

P.s Waiting for Video processing and analysis course to appear !

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fair jobs

Yesterday a lot of companies came to Technion to employ students to work
A lot of students came too.
(click on pictures to enlarge)
Free Image Hosting at
Some of them searched for job
Free Image Hosting at
But most of them looked for free stuff
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at
It was hot day with a lot of hot girls
Free Image Hosting at
But for some of them heat and crowdness was so hard that they began to climb walls !!
Free Image Hosting at

Sunday, May 27, 2007

DC reborn !

New HuB arised from the ashes

Official notice from HuB admins
"Hub Topic Is:
This Service Is for sharing legal files only (refrences, linux Distros etc...).
The sharing of copyrighted material is strictly forbidden.
Please Report all users sharing copyrighted material to"

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blog mourning DC hubs

Image Hosted by

Yesterday 2 biggest DC hubs went down. It is still unclear why this happend and who is responsible, but TCC notified HuB admins that they have to shut servers down.
Still it is pretty sure that someone turn us in to TCC.

If Tcc fools enough to close our comunity - we hit them hard. Now that we dont have ability to share LaN connection, each one of us will turn to Rapidshare, MegaUpload and other servicies. They will pay a lot for their mistake !
Though I am sure they cant bound the freedom. For one closed hub two more would be created.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

New statue in Tech

New statue was established near the Phishbah (Faculty of Electriciy)
Image Hosted by

Just after the last Student day. As it was 2 years ago with "Man and cat named Yitz"

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It appears that it was made in memory of some student that graduated from Technion with honours and was killed in accident in Alaska.

Image Hosted by

I am naturally not against good art. And statues which are well made is plesure to see , especially when they come with new benches... but is it right to put statue in memory of the guy who wasn't famouse and didnt do something significant ?
I am kinda afraid of tendency. In a couple of years we could turn in to mausoleum.

And for dessert. Statue coming along with some puzzle. Which I dont quite get due to lack of my hebro. Enjoy solving it.
And if you do - post a solution :)

Image Hosted by

Very large version of puzzle