Friday, January 18, 2008

Recursive Homework

מתוך פורום השאלות של הקורס במודל:

HW9 is published. It is a dry exercise.

שלום יבגני
באתר מפורסם פתרון של תרגיל בית 9
אין שמה שאלות

קיבלנו צ'ופר מה רע?

Few of you have noticed that the published HW9 contained the solution, therefore we cancel this exercise and a new exercise on the same material will be published soon.

From HaPetek

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Last week Factor

In case you missed Factor - the monthly newspaper of the Technion, you didnt miss much. It was boring as usual.
So I decided to save your time and post the things I found interesing.
Oh.. I am sorry . Did I say things ? I ment the thing . One thing that brought smile on my face .
This picture.
(click to enlarge)

Text says: Before it was educational system , and now higher education.. at this rate we could get fat

P.s and about the competition they posted about
(click to enlarge)

for the right answer look at the very first post of this blog

Saturday, January 12, 2008

DC is Perpetuum mobile

Image Hosted by

There are things that just continue to run no matter what.
The long anticipated by all Technion Lan Community
new DC !

you can get program that will allow connection to DC (Tunneling like)

Or you can check an instructions site

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Dc.shpora - Rest In Peace

Another knife in the back of the Technion DC community down due to unpaid hosting and was completely erased.

P.s to GreenCat - next time don't forget please

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

DC temporarily down, Hydra comes back

Project Hydra has returned
ppl can connect it by sending an email with their public key to .
there's only a small amount of ppl right now (~15) so we need new recruits

P.s you might want to visit also this page
Project Hydra
for more information

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sexlife for Atudaim

Remember the very first post of this blog ? About how the technion students doesnt have sex. Well, Technion cares about you !
Now you can come to a special place, have sex with your lovely self, and even receive money for it. Unfortunately you have to be young like atudai.. probably to be atudai.. ah, it cant be helped, back to real girls...
Image Hosted by

Friday, January 4, 2008

Moshe FYI yourself

Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 12:23:05 +0200
From: Moshe Barak
Subject: FYI: Video server is open from out of campus and the wireless network
Technion management has decided to open access to the video server and online lectures from
out of the Technion network and from the wireless network.
As the strike ends, such access will again require identification with a smart card.
Taub Computer Center

Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2008 15:08:29 +0200
From: Moshe Barak
Subject: FYI: Access to video server policy


In continuation to the previous message on this subject, Technion management has decided that due to copy right issues in regard to the video server content,

regretfully, it is not possible to open this service to ‘the whole world’ at this time.

We regret the confusion and would like to remind that video broadcasts can be watched by using a smart card for self identification.



Do I need to add anything to this idiocy ?
I remember the time when Technion got Nobel prize , and Moshe wrote to everybody something like - how proud he is that Technion got Novell prize...(נובל)
It would be funny if it wouldnt be so sad.

P.s When you see FYI from TCC you probably think it means "For your information", but in fact what he means "Fuck you idiots"