Friday, November 16, 2007

Evil vending machine

Photos were taken in Mechanical Engeneering faculty. Where no food sources are left except for one in the pictures. The only pity snackbar that existed between Lady Davis and Blumfield was completly destroyed. So this is all that starving students can swallow... sure if they can get it. An Evil Fucking Vending Machine doesnt want to separate from its preciouse chips.

and I almost forgot - See that waffles near the stuck chips on top photos, BEWARE - they tastes like shit.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Something cool you didnt know

According to CNET
"The architect of the Technion's Yitzhak Rabin Environmental Science building chose to emphasize natural contours for the design. To help air condition the building, a large block of ice is made each night--when electricity is cheaper--in an underground chamber. The melting ice then cools the building."

Sounds SciFi. I cant believe it is true

Sunday, November 4, 2007

TCC fucked up again

So, I guess pretty much everyone on campus has reached the annoying screen telling you that in order to surf the net you must install this program. Many might have thought that it's some kind of virus but apparently it's for real. TCC is trying to tag us and bag us.

I believe that forcing us to install a piece of software that we know nothing about in our computers in order to use the Technion's internet is outrageous. Have any of you talked to someone in TCC? I tried but as usual, nobody picks up the phone there.

Leave your comments!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Old News

Hello pipl, I manage to survive through all the exams and so is Blog !
Thanks to all the pipl who commented on my blog - it is really inspires keep posting.
I would be more than glad if you start send me interesting stuff you encounter in Technion. That way blog can be more interesting and grow.
I didnt go out much of my small room during torture (exams)time so I dont have any real new news.. Only Old Ones ))

There is little library opened up about a month ago in Mizrah Hadash.
There isnt much books... But I was told pipl can donate to it. Also it has really nice and big Tv and some table games. Everyone is welcome