Monday, March 24, 2008

Answer to game

Well.. the game was kind of success and failure both times.
I expected for little more respones - even if they were not the right ones.
Anyhow 6 out of 8 people got the answer right
It is placed in : "Swimming pool parking lot"

People that gave the right answer :

Thanks for playing

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Support Technion student on Survuval 2 !!

Hello people !! Recently I received very interesting email. That what it says :
My name is Roy moshkovitz
And I am competing for survivor 2.0 the tv reality series where 20 people are stranded on a deserted island for 52 days.
And the winner gets a million shekels.
Now channel 10 has started a preliminary contest for the next season - where people can vote over facebook and facebook only.
I am competeing in that contest and need the help of the guys from the technion since I am going to be a technion represntive.

My point in going to the survivor series is to show that brain beats muscles.

Here are necessary links:
Info page about Roy
Facebook application for voting
Voting Place !

I think we should help the dude to enter the program ! Vote guys !!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Weird sign and Test game

Clearly this sign has something to do with an UFO visiting Technion sometimes... Or may be it is bear on the walk.. anyhow this sign stands there for ages, confusing outside-world people about dwellers of the Tech...

P.s I want to run guessing "Know Technion" game. Which is still in test phase. If this experiment succeeds I will run it once or twice a week and even make a prize for a winner. So play and win :P ! I will announce right answer exactly in one week from now.
P.s Any answers in comments will be instantly deleted

So !
Can anyone guess where this particular sign is placed ?

Thanks to BumbleBee

Monday, March 10, 2008

Things to do after Technion

I am not sure if this photo was taken in our Tech world, but it is so hilarious that I made an exception for this one.

(click to enlarge)

thanks to BumbleBee

The funny part saying : Movie theater in Grand Kanyon needs student to master's degree for part time job
The sad truth is that there are several faculties here that this advertisement refers to them. And if you didnt laugh then you are from one of them.

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Hello Friends!

As I promised, I built standalone computer which performs only as DC server. It runs on Windows 2003 Enterprise Server OS and I hope it will be stable enough for this purpose.

Notwithstanding old configuration files for MyEnTunnnel still work, I recommend you enter to and download latest software in order to avoid future problems and perchance improve performance.

Check also troubleshooting section and forum if you have any problems!

In addition you can post releases and requests on the forum! NO REGISTRATION NEEDED! But it strongly recommended! :)
