Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Technion Security

All we know that there are 2 main guarded entrances into the Technion. And in Mizrah Hadash turnstile was installed, so that everyone who posses Student card could enter.
But do you know any other entrances , those that anyone anytime can enter ? I bet you dont.
So I made up a little poll to test you knowledge. I will post the right answer with an edited picture on Asat forum in Technoblog in about one week. And of course feel free to wright in comments.

Oh and one more thing. Whole Mizrah Hadash lousy, easy to climb up fence counts as 1.

For your help I uploaded a photo of the Technion. Though it is little bit outdated...

(click to enlarge) (picture is about 1.5 Mb)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scorpion Invasion

This scary thing was found near the tennis court. Be careful....

(Click to enlarge)

By GreenCat

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Big Statue

Technion will never stop wasting money on dumb statues instead of investing in our studies.
This one is existing for a month at least, but I doubt many of you saw it.

(click to enlarge)
oh... Every photo is about 400k. Since Technion new policy to internet is 6 Gb per month, I think you might need to know it before watching such a big pictures.
(Are they really too big ?)

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usFree Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

If I got it right this piece of art should symbolise the brain of average EE student. Two things confused me though. Why some of the symbols are flipped like mirror reflected. And on the last 2 pictures - what is that broken cross is doing there ?

P.s On my way back I stepped on some goddamned mushroom that exploded and sprinkled on my leg its disgusting spores. It looked like brown sugar powder and it covered my whole left foot. The destroyed mushroom was like half meter height. I hope it wasnt some human parasite mushroom that will it me alive.... oooohh...god help me ! :(